Our Mission
Asian Democrats of Los Angeles County (ADLAC) seeks to enhance the growth of the Democratic Party, develop Party leadership, promote harmony among Party members, advance the principles of the Democratic Party, and support the political development of Asian Democrats across Los Angeles County.
Our primary purpose is to elevate the ideas and perspectives of Asian communities who currently do not possess formal representation within the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, including supporting political candidates and ballot measures that positively represent and benefit local Asian communities, grow Asian representation within the Democratic Party, and promote the values of our organization.
Our primary purpose is to elevate the ideas and perspectives of Asian communities who currently do not possess formal representation within the Los Angeles County Democratic Party, including supporting political candidates and ballot measures that positively represent and benefit local Asian communities, grow Asian representation within the Democratic Party, and promote the values of our organization.
Organizational Partnerships
IAsian Democrats of Los Angeles County is chartered with the Los Angeles County Democratic Party (LACDP). ADLAC is a member organization of the Democratic Party of the San Fernando Valley (DPSFV) and an affiliate organization of Grassroots Democrats HQ (GDHQ).
ADLAC works in partnership and joint cooperation with organizations leading the charge to represent distinct and historic Asian communities. As such, the California Young Democrats Asian Pacific Islander Caucus (CYD API Caucus), Iranian American Democrats of California (IADC), Korean American Democratic Committee (KADC), the Pilipino American Los Angeles Democrats (PALAD), Southern California Armenian Democrats (SCAD), and the South Asians for America (SAFA) Action Fund all retain permanent seats on our Board and Advisory Board.
ADLAC works in partnership and joint cooperation with organizations leading the charge to represent distinct and historic Asian communities. As such, the California Young Democrats Asian Pacific Islander Caucus (CYD API Caucus), Iranian American Democrats of California (IADC), Korean American Democratic Committee (KADC), the Pilipino American Los Angeles Democrats (PALAD), Southern California Armenian Democrats (SCAD), and the South Asians for America (SAFA) Action Fund all retain permanent seats on our Board and Advisory Board.
On December 1st, 2023, 2024 ADLAC Executive Board elections were held. The Executive Board nominates and appoints at-large Board members. The full Board roster can be found below. (A list of previous Board members who served full terms can be found here.)
- President - Dr. Andrew Murphy
- Vice President - Mike Aguilera-Gaudette
- Secretary - Cindy Lee, MPP
- Treasurer - Ray López-Chang, MUP
- Development Officer - Heidi Hu
- CYD API Caucus Appointee - TBD
- IADC Appointee - TBD
- KADC Appointee - Eric Moon
- PALAD Appointee - Josh De Leon, MA
- SCAD Appointee - TBD
- SAFA Action Fund Appointee - TBD
- At-large - Rita Chang
- At-large - Zahra Hajee
- At-large - Tara Kwan, MSW
- At-large - Justin Chu Lee
- At-large - Matthew Lee, MSL
- At-large - Nina Long
- At-large - John Ly, Esq.
- At-large - Lena Nguyen
- At-large - Semee Park
- At-large - Emily Quach
- At-large - Dr. Jirair Ratevosian
- At-large - Marissa Roy, Esq.
- At-large - Benjamin Tran
- At-large - Hon. Andy Yam, MPP
- At-large - Jonathan Yang, Esq.
Advisory Board
Our Advisory Board, which is comprised of Asian elected officials and senior community leaders, helps guide our mission and anchors us in the priorities of our communities (titles for identification purposes only; members listed in alphabetical order by first name).
- Adam Ma, California Democratic Party Asian American Pacific Islander Caucus Vice Chair Emeritus
- Hon. Adrin Nazarian, Former California State Assemblymember
- Hon. Al Muratsuchi, California Assemblymember
- Alex Mohajer, Iranian American Democrats of California President
- Hon. Ali Saleh, Bell Mayor
- Hon. Alton Wang, Pasadena City College Board President
- Hon. Andrew Chou, Diamond Bar City Councilmember
- Andrew Jiang, Los Angeles AAPI Democratic Club Vice President Emeritus
- Arlene Inouye, Former Treasurer United Teachers Los Angeles
- Hon. Dr. Armond Aghakhanian, Southern California Armenian Democrats Founder
- Audrey Soriano, Pilipino American Los Angeles Democrats President Emerita
- Hon. Betty Yee, Former California State Controller
- Hon. Brian Calderón Tabatabai, West Covina Mayor
- Hon. Caroline Que Anderson, La Cañada Unified School District Board Vice President
- Hon. Cindy Wu, Mountain View School District Board Member
- Clark Lee, Thinking Cap Strategies LLC Managing Partner
- Deepa Sharma, California Democratic Party Asian American Pacific Islander Caucus Chair
- Devin Osiri, Los Angeles County Federation of Labor Chief of Staff
- Faith Lee, Asian Americans Advancing Justice California Legislative Director
- Hon. Fiona Ma, California State Treasurer
- Hon. Frank Yokoyama, Cerritos City Councilmember
- Gloria Pulido, Cerritos City Planning Commissioner
- Godfrey Plata, Pilipino American Los Angeles Democrats President
- Harini Krishnan, South Asians for America Co-Founder
- Hon. Henry Lo, Monterey Park City Councilmember
- Hoang Nguyen, California Young Democrats Asian Pacific Islander Caucus Chair
- Hon. Jay Chen, Mt. San Antonio College Trustee
- Hon. Jeanne Kim Hobson, La Cañada Flintridge City Councilmember
- Hon. Jeffrey Maloney, Alhambra City Councilmember
- Hon. Kelsey Iino, Los Angeles Community College District Board 1st Vice President
- Kenneth Ahn, Korean American Democratic Committee President
- Hon. Dr. Kevin Hayakawa, Rowland Unified School District Board Member
- Manjusha Kulkarni, Los Angeles City Ethics Commissioner
- Manuel Magpapian, Southern California Armenian Democrats Chair
- Hon. Mark Pulido, Former Cerritos Mayor
- Hon. Melissa Ramoso, Artesia City Councilmember
- Miguel Sangalang, Former Los Angeles Deputy Mayor
- Hon. Mike Eng, San Gabriel Valley Municipal Water District Board Member
- Hon. Mike Fong, California State Assemblymember
- Myung-Soo Seok, M2 Strategies LLC Managing Partner
- Hon. Neda Farid, Glendale Unified School District Board Member
- Olivia Lee, Los Angeles County Democratic Party Recording Secretary
- Hon. Paul Seo, Rancho Palos Verdes City Councilmember
- Ricky Choi, Monterey Park City Planning Commissioner
- Hon. Ryan Liu, Pasadena City College Board Clerk
- Hon. Dr. Sabrina Bow, Azusa Unified School District Board Member
- Sam Liu, California State Senator Ben Allen Chief of Staff
- Hon. Dr. Sion Roy, Santa Monica College Trustee
- Hon. Stan Liu, Diamond Bar Mayor
- Steve Kang, Korean American Democratic Committee President Emeritus
- Hon. Tammy Kim, Irvine City Councilmember
- Hon. Telly Tse, Glendale Unified School District Board Member
- Hon. Thai Viet Phan, Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem
- Hon. Thomas Wong, Monterey Park Mayor
- Tony Hoang, Equality California Executive Director
- Tran Le, Los Angeles AAPI Democratic Club President Emerita
- Hon. Warren Furutani, Former California State Assemblymember
Community Endorsement Committee
Community Endorsement Committee (CEC) members are appointed by ADLAC Board members to serve a one-year term. Interested community members can apply on a rolling basis. (More information is located on the Endorsements page. 2024 CEC members are listed below (members listed in alphabetical order by first name):
- Amy Watanabe
- Andrew Taban
- Anissa Raja
- Aryamaan Prasad
- Bonnie Hyde
- Boo Yuen
- Catherine Eng
- Christopher Lapinig
- Coby Nguyen
- Colleen Oinuma
- Danny Hang
- David Kim
- Denise Luu
- Donna Tang
- Esther Lim
- Esther Young Lim
- Fatima Iqbal-Zubair
- Godfrey Plata
- Hannah Wong
- Ian Kamus
- Isaac Kim
- Jennifer Tang
- Je-Show Yang
- Kamilah Zadi
- Katie Chan
- Ken Susilo
- Kevin Liao
- Leslie Chang
- Lindsey Horowitz
- Mahdi Manji
- Maheen Ahmed
- Meghna Nair
- Myung-Soo Seok
- Hon. Ryan Liu
- Samantha Vethavanam
- Serapia Kim
- Sophia Cho
- Dr. Tien Le
- Tim Phan
- Valentine Angeles
- Viva Mogi
- Winnie Fong
Organization By-laws
A read-only copy of our by-laws can be found here.
*By-laws are subject to amendment at any time.
*By-laws are subject to amendment at any time.